A Primera Vista - Pato García

Instrumentalism is entirely dedicated to create music covers, but here's my original song called A Primera Vista (At First Sight). -Pato Garcia.


This is the Frequently Asked Questions section, I hope you find interesting answers here, if you want to ask a different question you can send it to the indicated email at the end of this section.

·         What is the point of making this videos?
 Well as the story at the main page says, there is no point, the truth behind the first videos made this way is that there was not available people with whom to make music,  then I started to like what I was creating alone so I continued doing it

·         How do you record the Bass lines?
I play all the bass lines with my guitar, my Berhinger amplifier it’s actually a bass amp so all I need to do is to disconnect all the effects and plug the guitar directly to get a bass sound

·         What is exactly the process of making one of this videos?
It depends on the kind of video, in the first videos I recorded I used samples with the background music (or backing tracks) and the newest ones are more complicated, sometimes I first record the drums hearing the original song with my headphones and then the others instruments needed, the last part always is the voice which I make with the guitar, I mix all the instruments using the software mentioned in the Equipment section, the final step and I believe the hardest one is to create the video simulating many persons. 

·         It is difficult to make this videos?
Sometimes, it depends on the song and how many instruments do I need to record, the hardest part almost always is the video edition but anyway I think it’s even harder to organize four or five persons to play a song, for example in a band you will always find that someone doesn’t like the song or someone can’t play it well or many other obstacles.


·         How do you choose the next song you’ll record?
I have a list of pending songs that I already know how to play at least on the guitar, most of the times I only need to learn the drums line, it’s kind of funny because some friends of mine that knows the project have asked me to record songs that they like 

·         Are you making money with this videos?
No and not because I don’t want to, sincerely I would like to but Google Ads cancelled my account and I don’t know how else could I earn some cash with this project 

·         Are there really no people with whom to make music in your town?
Yes there are, and actually I’m playing in a band right now but I haven’t record any videos with them… may be someday. The point is that when I started to make this videos there was not available people.

·         Why all of your videos are in Sepia tone (or kind of yellowed)?
That’s because in the first videos I made well I was (I’m embarrassed to admit) less than a rookie in this thing, so I didn’t cared about the illumination of the room where I was recording, so the Sepia tone helps to give a natural but bleached light effect. Nowadays I use it more as a routine 

·         Why most of the times you appear with a black shirt or t-shirt?

It has become kind of a uniform, I realized it looks good with the Sepia tone used in my videos, since it’s a light effect a black shirt gives a contrast and brings out the guitar

  • Why some of your videos have a little lag or sync fail?

I swear it is not my fault and I’m conscious that they do. The thing is that when I’m editing a video it seems to be ok on the previews but when I save it, surprise! it has this lag that I hate so much so I need to re-edit it wrong to make it seem good when I save it and then YouTube does not give me a hand when I upload the video and it ends with a delay that the original file didn’t had. It is really frustrating and I’m sorry about that .

  • Is there anything in particular that you like most of instrumentalism?

What I like about my project is that its not about strictly equal covers that sounds exactly like the original versions but you can find some variations within the same essence, this is obvious since my equipment is different from the bands members that I have covered, my way to play is different, you can even find mistakes in many songs, but even with that I'm just trying to have fun, I feel I have done good covers, every cover is a step as a musician and helps me to improve myself. 

  • Which is usually the hardest part of recording?

There is always a hard part, usually the most difficult part is often the vocal part, depending on the song the guitar solo can also become difficult, the rhythm guitar is always the easiest, followed by the bass and also depending on the song sometimes it is hard to learn the drums part.

  •  Do you remember all the songs you've recorded?
Actually: No. This project has ruined my memory (not kidding) many of these songs are permanently stuck in my memory as Hold The Line or the Weezer songs that I like a lot and also they're simple, but many other songs have been forgotten or I just memorized them for the project. 

  •  How many times do you record to get the desired result?
It depends, usually I record twice each instrument and then I choose which to use, but the voice line sometimes takes up to 5 or more recordings to be as I want, it drives me crazy.  

Wanna ask something different? Send me an email:
If you’ll ask: why the “craftercool” name? the answer is that my guitar is a Crafter Crown, so… I don’t know what else to say. Peace.